FIDO fit? Good. For the first time ever a truly innovative phenomenon has taken the Identiverse event by storm. This first of its kind multifaced, multifactored, multi-protector solution has embarked on it’s USA tour. A corner piece of of the iShield Key series, the FIDO2 iShield Pro supports a wide array of security standards above and beyond the usual FIDO staple. Currently, it stands alone with is unique ability to also function as a physical access control tool.
What happens in Vegas doesn’t stay in Vegas. Between May 28 to May 31, 2024, there was an unusual sight in Las Vegas Nevada. For the first time ever Swissbit, a leading leader of all things concerning memory tech and embedded Internet of Things (IoT) solutions had attended in the fabulous Identiverse event. Marked as a significant milestone for Swissbit, the event introduced the iShield key innovation to the wider authentication world. emphasizing the importance of robust hardware-based authentication process in today’s Cyber universe.
As one of Swissbit’s “crown jewels”, the iShield Key Pro solution, as a cornerstone of the company’s iShield Key series, has dominated the showcase. So much more than your average “mundane” FIDO security stick, the iShield Key Pro supports a wide range of security standards to boot. These include passwordless authentication such as Fast Identity Online (FIDO2), Hash-based message authentication code-based One Time Password (HOTP), Time-based One Time Password (TOTP), and Personal Identity Verification (PIV) standards.
With the impending adoption of FIPS 140-3 standards in the near future, the authentication solution has the fundamental unique ability to also function as a physical access control tool.
In sheer wonderous coincidence, the new USB C type iShield Key Pro had made it’s debut in the Vegas-based event. With this addition, the versatility and robust security features familiar with its predecessors in the iShield was preserved and built upon. All the while offering the convenience of state-of-the-art USB-C connectivity.
The iShield Key FIDO2, another cost-effective although FIDO-only limited solution, will also be shortly available with USB-C and USB-A interfaces. This limitation is currently revolved around the FIDO2/WebAuthn and U2F predecessor standards. well in line with the growing demand for flexible yet secure authentication methods, Swissbit is poised to become the premier and premium provider of FIDO2 standard-approved solutions in North America, and Israel. A solution arrayt that can keep pace with rapid advances both in technology and cyber threats. Through these authentication advancements, the iShield Key family enables businesses to adopt stronger, phishing-resistant authentication mechanisms, thereby enhancing the overall security.