The standards of the DATA hardware spheres are all too well-known. Big challenges invite big solutions, and advances are already within grasp. To reach sky-high in Cloud-ware, you need grounded tech on the ground. Suddenly, the technological opportunities seem to drop as rain from thundered clouds, Hi-tech clouds.
A few solid facts are almost regarded as axioms in the “DATA farm” memory solutions field. A 50% degradation minimum in hardware performance less than a year after initial use, an ever-increasing demand for pitch-perfect Cloud-based service by end consumers and increased operational costs are just a partial list of an ever evolving field of memorable “headaches” in the memory solutions for Cloud applications industry. But, with big challenges come big answers. Introducing the new starry memory solution, dubbed “U.3 N4200 SSD” by memorable memory solutions provider Swissbit, especially tailored to be the center for Big game-Big DATA centers.
The features of this feast for DATA-driven cloud applications are truly remarkable. With 2 to 5 times better consistent steady state performance over the entire life time of the memory solution than current lifespan of an “average” mainstream solution, you can tell reliability and durability are truly secured. Furthermore, in the endurance section, while the statistics of the static solution offered today on the market are probably unattainable- this solution doubles the endurance dominating the market today. Not in theory, but in practice. In the memory field, the names of the game are reliability and predictability. Think the one-size-fits-all measures are not for you? With this solution you can adjust, and turn, and bend the features to your will. Thus, this well-fitted solution fits the needs of many sectors. Such as Big DATA, Video streaming and production, Computational storage, Internet Of Things (IOT), Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence (AI) sectors’ applications.

Recently, you could have seen this “reaching to the stars” solution at Cloudfest 2023. As part of the display of booth H17- this memory module was the star of the show from march 21st to march 23rd. Didn’t have the chance to feast your eyes on this solution to remember? Not to worry. This module will be “Big in Japan” with a 16TB version showcasing in booths E47-25 at the Japan IT Week Spring Embedded Edge Computing Exhibition which will be held from April 5th to April 7th in Tokyo. With these memory building blocks, you will be able to sky rocket well above the clouds.