Most popular, highly efficient and cost-effective- be ready to switch on your creative mind. Especially designed for on-board battery chargers, and the electric vehicle-centric worldwide transformation, these modules will surely not be an isolated incident. With reliability and durability at their core, and well suited for Surface Mounted Technology soldering processes, these modules truly make the air feel “electric”. Switch on your innovation.
The Automotive world is moving on to the Electric age. In correlation with recent worldwide phenomena, the transformer market is poised to be transformed. Introducing the latest steps in Electric Vehicle (EV)-oriented electric components and modules. these formidable isolated power converters, labelled “FLYT-004” and “FLYT-005” by the imaginative minds at Premo group, are a crucial key to a critical feature in the evolving world of EVs and Plug-in Hybrid Vehicles’ (PHVs) centered electric modules and solution. Highly reliable, highly durable, highly efficient and cost-effective, these module series will surely be the next hit in the Switch Mode Power Supply (SMPS) field.
Adherent to strict safety requirements, and designed to withstand high voltage spikes that occur during switching, these modules are neatly molded for On-Board Chargers (OBCs), especially critical for the EV and PHV sectors. Designed to withstand high voltage spikes that occur during switching, coupled with a quasi-resonant Flyback mode capable of switching frequency from 50kHz to 300kHz and a maximum duty cycle of 85%- these transformers provide high circuit isolation, multiple outputs and the possibility of positive or negative output voltages.
Furthermore, these modules are elemental for a smooth conversion of AC power from external charging stations or home charging units, into the DC power needed to charge the vehicle’s battery. As the power level in both modules stands at 10W, the “FLYT-004” and “FLYT-005” are well equipped with a 17.5 µH and 15 µH inductance values respectively. Not only that, these modules are well suited for Surface Mounted Technology (SMT), coupled with a fully developed fully automatic manufacturing process pre-designed for these Flyback modules.