Aim at the Buzzer

With pointers such as spectacular operating temperatures, LCP housing with Tin plated Brass as terminal material and the ever-minuscule overall size- with these compact magnetic transducers you are sure to create a buzz for your product. Feel free to buzz the buzzers. These splendid magnetic transducers, dubbed “MTS5020A03LM” and “MTS4020A03LM” by acoustics’ magnate SOUND COMPONENTS […]

Flexible core for the Flexed need

+10 flexible layers available, standardized slick space and lines features, small bend zones and various stiffener materials for easier assembly formations- you will be able to introduce your product’s attractive physique. Depending on your design, your product can not only be good-looking, but also Noble. Are you ready to Flex some electric muscles? With these […]

The Organic superior solution for RF

The solution seems as the natural choice for Microwave application and RF. Regardless of the presence of moisture, the abilities of this tech gem remain nearly untouched. Be amazed, be very amazed. The advanced Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) substrates’ solution and support, by MST’s company Dyconex, will deliver a fundamental upgrade to the HF and […]